3 Top TED Talks On Science Behind Depression

inspirational TED talks about depression science mental health discussion

Depression and anxiety is something that hits many of us in our lives, some more severe than others. 

For a large portion of us, it is perfectly manageable, with coping techniques to get us through it and overcome the thoughts and feelings we are worried about. For others it can lead to a dark place, often being accompanied by the likes of addiction where the only way out is to seek treatment at an addiction treatment centre

Depression and addiction is a medical condition and it can be managed and maintained in a number of ways. And what's more, there is tons of advice online about how to do so. 

TED Talks are always useful to watch and there are some fantastic ones out there, discussing the science behind depression and ways in which to overcome and manage it. 

Here are 3 of the must-watch top TED Talks from the mental health experts… 

1. The Surprising Science Of Happiness - Dan Gilbert 

Dan Gilbert’s long been a popular figure on the subject and his TED Talk around happiness and the science behind it is a fantastic watch for those suffering with depression. 

It is based upon the idea that unhappiness comes from not getting what we want and how our “psychological immune system” can allow us to be happy even when that isn’t the case, but only if we can find it. 

2. What’s So Funny About Mental Illness - Ruby Wax 

Often the most useful TED Talks are those in which the speaker talks candidly about their own experiences. Legendary comedian Ruby Wax does just that, going into the finer details about her own mental health, while doing so in an energetic and deeply funny manner. 

It is all about ending the stigma of mental illness, including her diagnosis with clinical depression, and it goes a long way to doing that. Learn from her story and be able to laugh at things when you can.

3. Depression, The Secret We Share - Andrew Solomon 

Writer Andrew Solomon certainly takes you on a journey in this TED Talk and it really does take you to some dark corners, opening the eyes to what the feeling of depression is really like and how many of us are holding our own secrets about it. 

It is a talk that will help you speak up if you need to and will certainly action you into getting the help you need. It is a breathtaking and engaging watch that anyone suffering from depression really should view.

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