How To Pay Social Media Influencers

how to pay social media influencers marketing campaigns payment methods

With top social media influencers bringing in 1 million dollars for a single paid Instagram post, you might think promoting through a social media influencer is out of your reach. The good news is that there are many micro-influencers that will fit into almost any budget.

What will social media influencers take as payment? How do you pay influencer marketers for their work? 

Continue reading this article to find out how to use social media influencers to boost your online marketing campaigns.

Launching A Social Media Influencer Campaign

Before you start trying to secure influencers to market your product or service, you need to make sure you have a plan in place. Figure out what your budget is and how much of a return you expect to get out of your marketing efforts.

Once you know your goals and how much you’re willing to pay for social media influencers, it's time to get started.

Finding Influencers That Accept Product As Payment

You may find some influencers that will accept product as payment. These influencers are more than happy to receive clothing, supplements and other products they can use and promote. 

Many of these influencers will only accept the product as a partial payment. If you aren’t happy with a proposal, feel free to negotiate and see if they will budge.

Finding Influencers Within Your Business Budget

There are some websites that will help you find influencers, guest post opportunities, and other digital marketing tools. Many of these websites will allow you to list your request and your budget. While influencers are able to counter, in most cases you can find someone to work with you on your terms.

Do I Have To Give Influencers A 1099 Tax Form?

You do not have to give influencers a 1099. These influencers can create paystubs to show proof of income, but you don’t have to provide them. The relationship you have with most influencers is temporary or one-off.

You aren’t required to think about taxes for these influencers, but you do need to make sure you track marketing expenses.

Getting Creative Finding And Paying Influencers

When you are searching for influencers to work with, you should get creative. There are many ways to find people that are going to be right for your campaign. While you might want to sponsor a post on Instagram, you may go on Twitter to find influencers since it is easier to search on that platform. Instagram's search feature is also solid for finding influencers for your brand.

The more creative you get, the more likely you are to find talent that hasn’t been overrun with offers. 

Finding high-quality talent that hasn’t had enough sponsors to raise their prices allows you to get results without breaking the bank.

Learn Influencer Marketing And Getting Results That Pay Off

Are you tired of always coming out behind your competition in your advertising campaigns? 

Learning how to work with and pay a social media influencer is a great first step, but there are many other things you need to learn. 

Read through our blog posts to increase your social media influencer marketing intelligence and get the real results you want.

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