Tips For More Effective Email Marketing Campaigns

email marketing tips verify list tools find addresses emailing

Are email marketing campaigns no longer as effective as it was in the past? Is email marketing dea? Do not believe whoever says this. Email marketing is alive an well, an more important than ever before in today's modern digital economy! 

Email Marketing Top Tools

All the tools for promoting and selling products or services that were popular in the early 2000s still work today. Yes, they are not used that often because many new ways have appeared. But they are still effective if you know thoroughly how to use them correctly. They help to test an email address. A top email marketing tool knows and offers its customers useful services for automating online sales. Every email campaign and email validator should be as effective as possible. Repetitive mailings of poorly composed email newsletters or emailing ads to all available addresses will not bring the desired result. 

First, you need to compose interesting and personalized email content. The recipient should immediately be interested in the subject of the letter, then he will read the entire text. Secondly, you need to compose letters so that they do not fall under spam filters (although useful messages often get there anyways no matter what you do). Third, email marketing should target potential customers, not everyone. To keep your email marketing database always up to date, these two top trending services from top email marketing tools will help you: 

● Email Finder 
● Email Verifier 

Email Finder 

This service, according to the developers, allows you to find any address anywhere. For example, you know the address of a domain, but you do not know the contacts associated with it, Email Finder will find all available email addresses. The service can also supplement the names of existing contacts with their mailboxes. There is boolean search support for finding the right leads. It also helps you find influencers (bloggers, journalists), job candidates, and more. To check an email is now easier than ever. 

The service has built-in various tools for popular tasks: "Search by a list of domains", "Search by company profile", "Search by profiles in social networks", "Search for addresses by list" and "Search by filters". The extension for Chrome generally allows you to activate the plugin on any web page and collect addresses from this domain. The service capabilities can be tested on a free plan. After registration, you are given 50 credits to check email address search, verification and trigger mailings. You can also subscribe for a monthly or annual subscription for 5 subscription plans: S, M, L, XL and XL to help find new email addresses for lead generation and build your emailing list. 

Email Verifier 

So, you have successfully found the contact database and now you need to email tester to know if they are real. This task is successfully solved by the service of validation or to verify an email address. It allows you to determine if the mailbox is fake. A high percentage of bounces received from non-existent addresses increases the likelihood of blocking the sender. 

On the other hand, removing invalid addresses from the list increases the efficiency of mailings. The service does not send test letters to verified addresses, but uses seven filters. The system consistently checks if email is valid or check the correctness of the address format (typos, incorrect characters), the absence of a random set of characters, the reality of the domain, whether it is included in the catch-all bases, whether the domain is free / paid, the presence of an MX record, and performs SMTP authentication to build your email marketing list. 

Verified Results

A 100% result is not guaranteed for emails found, but practice shows that for addresses that the system has assigned the status "valid", the failure rate is about 1.7%. Email validation can be used on the company's website, as an extension for the Chrome browser, or integrated into your CRM systems using the API. Check results can be exported to .csv, Google Sheets or Excel formats. As in the case of email address checker you can use a free membership plan with limited functionality, or connect to one of the premium plans. 

Email Marketing Mastery 

Email marketing is far from dead, and if use correctly it can get real results for your lean startup. Keep these tips and tools in mind to execute your email extraordinarily.

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