Business Event Security: Your Safety Guide

big business event security safety goals lean startup life

Did you know that from 2010 to 2020, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicted a 44% growth in conventions and events throughout the country? What this means is that events are continuing to grow in importance.

So as a startup, it's super exciting to launch your first big event. But with this comes lots of planning and preparation.

Throughout the process, don't forget to consider event security. Without it, you will not be fully prepared.

That's why we've created this security guide to help you be completely ready for your event. Check out our tips below on business event security.

Make an Event Security Plan

Before you do anything else, sit down and make a security plan for your event. Event planning is a complicated process that involves tons of different factors.

Security can easily slip through the cracks if you're not careful. So for that reason, it's best to document a detailed plan.

Think of the little details and make sections for each of them. If you plan now, the execution will go so much better during the actual event itself.

Also Establish a Communication Plan

Next, it's time to figure out communication to enhance your business event security and safety. Also establish a plan for this part of the process that includes communication information for before, during, and after the event.

What happens if a threat is discovered during the middle of the event? How will this information be relayed? What is the chain of command to be followed?

Having this detailed and documented will make your life much easier. Be sure that every member of your team is aware of this plan as well. Lone worker alarms or walkie talkies can also ensure everyone can communicate quickly and easily to each other throughout.

Know Your Venue

Also important? Being super familiar with your venue.

Start by identifying how porous your venue is, meaning all of the potential entry points. Make a list of all windows and doors and create a comprehensive diagram for your staff.

Is your event outdoors? Develop a plan to implement event perimeters via fencing or other barricades.

Call in the Experts

Last but not least, rely on security experts. As a startup owner, you're used to handling lots of aspects of the business by yourself to maximize growth.

But when it comes to event security, rely on professionals. Perhaps you've done some event security in the past, but there's no way you can handle the complete security experience while worrying about the speakers, the food, and all of the other aspects of the event.

Instead, hire a professional team like OPS Security Group security experts who can handle every single detail. This will ensure the best success for your event's security.

Closing Thoughts On Business Event Security & Safety

Thanks for reading all about event security. Next, it's time to implement these steps so you're totally prepared for your first big event.

Have additional questions about the startup life? Maybe you're looking for more tips and tricks on business event planning and management.

Either way, get in touch with our professionals today. We're happy to help you learn more about setting up your business for success.

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